
Powerbank iGadgets Charger


Dritter RPi angekommen

#ngage THPS #oldschool #proskater #toystory #pixar #preiphonegaming #blog #lego #nokia #rex #minifigs #minifigures

Merry #Raspberry_Pi Christmas

2nd Raspberry Pi w/ 512MB RAM arrived

Airplay - Raspberry Pi. Kommen also auch noch andere drauf ;)

Ich glaube ich trenne mich von meinem #Apple #PowerMac #G5

Spiele Auktion #MacOS9 Paket und #Disney Interactive

 iBook G3 Clamshell Toy Story Movie Time

10min. RAM upgrade at the iBook G3 Clamshell

Activated the KeyLime iBooks & PowerBook G4 auction

A-Solar iPhone Charger on sale

Still outdoor activities and so the project #raspberry_pi is on hold

The Raspberry Pi MediaCenter

The Lego Case

1st Start - #raspberry_pi #pizzaplanettruck

picture set

The parts

The idea